Data security policy



Genesys' security vision is grounded in protecting information resources, managing security risks, and implementing business strategies effectively and efficiently. This vision is supported by operational leadership and backed by all Genesys employees and collaborators.
The main drivers in defining the strategic security plan (subject to annual review) are:

  • The organization’s expectations and ambitions, which serve as the primary input for defining objectives, related security activities, and long-term investment;
  • The results of risk assessments identifying major security issues (through various discovery techniques);
  • External influence driven by compliance with various regulatory requirements;



Risk management is essential for identifying, evaluating, and defining risk factors and achieving three main objectives:

  • Confidentiality: Ensuring information is accessible to all authorized personnel;
  • Integrity: Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods;
  • Availability: Ensuring authorized users can access information when needed;


As the leading IT company within the Fratelli Cosulich Group and an IT service provider, GeneSYS applies its ISMS to the following business areas:

  • IT Area
  • Software Area

For the following activities:

  • Design, development, delivery, management, and support of business-oriented software applications and solutions, including Business Intelligence solutions;
  • Design and delivery of IT services for email security and archiving;
  • Consultancy for the design, assistance, maintenance, and management of IT infrastructures.